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Login, Sign Up, Reset and Change Password

Sign Up is the standard process to create an account in a new website. To register at Collectors Bridge you either login with a single click using your social networks account (facebook; twitter and google+ soon to be available) or alternatively you can manually provide us with you e-mail and requested password. In this last option, you have to confirm that you own the e-mail address during the registration process.

Login is the standard process to authenticate yourself when you return to a platform like Collectors Bridge. You can login using your social platform account (if you did the Sign Up process using it!) or your own credentials (e-mail and password).

If you Signed Up with your own credentials and in case you forget your password, in the welcome screen (login option) there is an option to retrieve it. Just insert your e-mail and a new password will be sent to your e-mail. Also, if you wish to change your password, there will be an option in the near future to do that.

If you Signed Up with your own credentials and now you wish to add your Social Network accounts’ credentials, you will soon have such a feature in the Edit Account option in the top right menu.

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